Paper submission
Submission of full papers can be made after acceptance of abstracts from 1 december 2022 to 31 january 2023. EXTENDED DEADLINE: 21 FEBRUARY 2023. For authors who haven't submitted an abstract, but still whishing to submit a paper, please contact congress organizer at
ICSE-11 paper formatting instructions
A proceedings containing papers presented at this conference will be produced from the manuscripts received from authors. These instructions are formatted to resemble a final paper. The abstract should consist of one paragraph of about 150 words. The abstract should present a concise statement of the scope, principal findings, and conclusions of the paper. Abstracts cannot include lists, tables, figures, display equations, footnotes, or references.
- Paper Length. The maximum paper length is 10 pages for research papers and 15 pages for case study papers.
- Submission Deadlines. If your paper has been accepted, please submit the final version of your paper by the deadline established by the conference committee or proceedings editor. Review your paper carefully before you submit the final version. Once a paper has been uploaded, reviewed by the author, and officially submitted, it is not possible to edit the document.
- Approvals. Before submitting a paper, authors must obtain approvals from such interested parties as the authors' employers, clients, project owners, and government agencies.
- Exclusive Copyright Agreement: please fill and submit the Exclusive Copyright Agreement along with the full paper. >> Download here
- Permissions. Any materials that are not the original work of the authors of a proceedings paper must have the source identified at the end of a text extract or in a credit line immediately below the figure or table. The authors of each paper are responsible for securing permissions for nonoriginal materials and must be able to provide the permission documents if requested by ISSMGE Publications. ISSMGE Publications reserves the right to eliminate from the published proceedings any figures or tables lacking appropriate permission and to make editorial changes as necessary.
- Permissions Basics contains information on what needs permission and how to obtain it.
A proceedings paper consists of a title; an author byline and affiliation(s); an abstract; the text with optional tables, figures, and mathematics; a conclusion; and references. Acknowledgments, appendixes, and notations are optional.
- Paper size. The required paper size for this publication is 8.5 inch x 11 inch (216 mm x 279 mm) US Letter paper size.
- Point size and font. Use 12 point type for text, captions, and author contact information. For type within figures or tables, the 12 point size is preferred. ISSMGE Publications require Times New Roman font. Italics,bold, and bold italics may be used; using only one “family” of typefaces yields the cleanest results.
- Headers and footers. Do not put any information in the header. The only acceptable content in the footer is a single page number.
- Layout. All text must be entered into a text box in the system.
- Figures and tables. All graphics (photos, line art, and tables) must be uploaded as a seperate file in the system. Illustrations should be numbered consecutively as they are presented (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., and Table 1, Table 2, etc.).
- Captions and legends. A descriptive caption, including figure number, should be placed directly below the illustration (see Figure 1). A descriptive legend, including table number, should be placed immediately above the table.
Figure 1. Sample line art illustration.
- Style. The paper must be written in the best possible technical and grammatical English. Titles should be concise and should describe the content of the paper. If you have a long title, please consider a Title: Subtitle format. More information on writing style is available online.
- Mathematics. All mathematics must be embedded in the text. Equations need to be numbered only if they are referred to more than once. More information on mathematics style is available online.
- System of units. ISSMGE encourages the use of SI units. For more information about SI units, visit the Web sites of the U.S. Metric Association (USMA), Inc. or the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or consult the book Metric Units in Engineering: Going SI.
- Author contact information. A sample of author contact information is shown on the first page of these instructions. The following information may be provided for all authors of the paper: author’s full name; academic degrees or honorifics; professional licenses; ASCE membership grade; current employment affiliation; mailing address; and e-mail address. Note that each author has one and only one note with contact information. Multiple authors with the same employment affiliation or mailing address must have separate notes.